The Story


My grandfather had a barn when I was growing up. In this barn, he had what I considered to be every single tool in the world. In reality, it wasn’t anything that the average person couldn’t put together over their lifetime. A table saw, band saw, drill press, benchtop sander, etc. He had enough wood stacked up on hand to build a small house, so every time my little sister and I came over, we would go to the barn and build something.

I made many pinewood derby cars for Boy Scouts in that barn, I even remember being around 6 years old and hammering nails into a square of wood to make a geo-board like we used in school. This was my first exposure to woodworking. Ever since then I have been interested in the art of woodworking, and since high school I have fostered the idea of starting my own business one day.

With North Valley Woodcraft, I have joined these two ideas together and I couldn’t be more excited. Thank you for exploring my website, and stay tuned for new products!

-Robert Kerbe